Our Member Satisfaction Survey results

Every two years we send out our member survey and benchmark ourselves against similar health funds and our results from previous years.

Thank you to the members who responded to the recent survey request as part of the Members Health Fund Alliance annual Membership Satisfaction Survey of 13 funds. Members Health Fund Alliance is a group of not-for-profit and mutual health funds that share the same approach of putting members' needs ahead of profits.

An incredible 96% of members* said they are satisfied with their membership and the RBHS took out the number 1 spot in satisfaction from all participating health funds.

The RBHS ranked #1 of the 13 participating funds on:

  • Overall satisfaction with your health insurer
  • Hospital claims process
  • Extras claims process
  • Information being easy to understand
  • The amount of information provided to about cover
  • The quality of service interactions – phone, written or face to face
  • The quality of outcomes when experiencing issues

This feedback is important to help us prioritise initiatives for members in the year ahead and we will make efforts to increase satisfaction in coming months and years.


* Source: IPSOS 2023 Member Satisfaction Survey

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