Foods High in Iron

Iron is an important nutrient that comes from your diet. It's needed for many functions in your body such as transporting oxygen, with one of the most important being to prevent anaemia.

While your body can store iron, it can't make iron. The only way to increase your iron is by consuming (eating) it.

There are 2 types of iron in food, Haem iron which can easily be absorbed by your body and can be found in meat, poultry or seafood such as

  • Beef
  • Salmon
  • Eggs

Non-Haem iron is harder for your body to absorb and is found in plants, eggs and nuts. If you follow a plant-based diet, you will need to incorporate 80% more iron to meet dietary requirements. Good sources include:

  • Leafy greens (spinach, broccoli)
  • Wholemeal bread and pasta
  • Nuts and seeds

If you are wondering how to get the necessary intake of iron in your diet it all comes down to how you prepare food and which foods you eat together! For example, adding foods rich in vitamin C like tomatoes, capsicums, and leafy vegetables to your steak dinner will ensure you and your family are absorbing the most iron.

Some things can decrease your iron such as coffee, red wine or calcium (milk or cheese) so try to have these between meals.

Recommended dietary intake of iron depends on your age and gender. To find out how much iron you need each day visit

If you are worried about your iron levels, please speak with your doctor.



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