Member support during the COVID-19 crisis: a recap
We know that there is a lot of new information and we want to be sure that you are aware of the support available to you during these tough times. The following information is key in the time of the COVID-19 crisis. If you could use any of the new services below and you don’t know how to, please call us on 1800 027 299.
Supporting our members
- Postponing your premium increase until 1 October 2020.
As you know, your premiums were set to increase from 1 April. We have postponed this increase until 1 October 2020. There is no action needed by you, we have made these arrangements for all members. - Hospital treatment for COVID-19 is included on your hospital cover.
COVID-19 treatment is covered on your Gold Hospital cover, as long as you joined before 31 March 2020. If you joined after this date, the normal waiting periods for hospital treatment apply (unless you have transferred your served waiting periods from another health fund). - Easier access to financial support.
RBHS members in financial hardship can call us on 1800 027 299 to discuss financial support options. - New ways to use your extras.
Use video and phone consultations on psychology, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and dietetics with your local provider (subject to your extras cover and limits, and with the usual provider registration conditions). - Telephone-based health programs.
If you have a health condition and you would like help managing it, we have a range of health programs available as part of your hospital cover. - Hospital at Home.
We continue to offer Hospital at Home services and Rehab at Home, as part of Gold Hospital cover, as long as your specialist agrees.
We know this is a difficult time for everyone and we are here to help you get through this.